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Rene-Folsom-HeadshotAuthor Bio:

Instead of the typical stuffy bio, I would like to make this one a little more personal.

I live in Florida with my husband and three kids. I have officially diagnosed myself with creative ADD and, if it weren’t for my day job as a web programmer, I would have a million and one writing projects going at once. In addition to web design, I am also a graphic artist who loves to create custom book cover designs for indie authors. I am definitely an artist at heart and would love nothing more than to be elbow deep in clay during my waking hours. I believe that all fiction is based on some form of reality—otherwise we would never have the inspiration or knowledge to dream up the realistic situations we portray with our words. I am proud to say that my personal experiences have been inspirational, though perhaps not always identical to that of my fictional characters. Where reality and fantasy diverge, however, must remain my little secret…

Most interesting and popular interview questions asked:

What inspired you to write your first book?
If you mean the first book I published, then I must tell you my fun little story about the inspiration of Heart You. This year, on Valentine’s Day, Cynthia Shepp posted a Goodreads group thread challenging authors to come up with a short story using the following prompts: Valentine’s Day, candy conversation hearts, a love triangle, a black rose, and water balloons. Needless to say, I pumped something out fairly quick. After talking with Cynthia, who is also my editor, I decided to expand on the story and publish it. I was already done with several other short stories by this point, but they were not published yet. So, Heart You became my first published book and was inspired by Cynthia’s challenging prompts. Cynthia Shepp’s website –

What gives you the ideas that you use for the Roommate Romance series?
I will tell you one little tidbit I don’t normally share with the public. The gala basement scene from Bind Me is “based” on a real-life experience of my own. Which situations are real versus fiction will never be revealed.

Favorite snack and thing to drink while you write?
Twizzlers and Mountain Dew 🙂

Dark Colors or Light Colors? Dark

Angels or Demons? Angels

Dramatic Font or Simplistic Font? A combination of both

Paranormal Romance or Historical Romance? Paranormal

eBook or Print? eBook to read, print to love

Current Works in Progress:

  • ExposedAffections1-wrCompleting book six of the Soul Seers Series.
  • The third Roommate Romance novella, which has a tentative title of Share You.
  • My full-length erotica novel I’ve been working on since September of last year called Exposed Affections. A three chapter teaser is available on my website at
  • A new vampire erotica short featuring a dominant motorcycle street racer chick (excerpt below).
  • A super top-secret collaboration with the fantastic S.L. Dearing.
  • Many other ideas that have been jotted down for future use. 🙂

Published Titles:

HeartYou_cover-wrHeart You (Roommate Romance #1)

Genre: Erotica (Ménage – F/F/M)
Rated: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Length: approximately 7200 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: 978-1482782295

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:


** Heart You is an erotic romance short story for ADULTS ONLY! This novelette is roughly 7200 words and contains a hot sexual triad between two female roommates and their Valentine’s Day boy toy. **

Have you ever wanted something you know you shouldn’t? That forbidden fruit. A temptation that will surely lead you down the path of illicit indulgence, and ultimately, pleasure beyond your wildest imaginations.

That was the daily torture Samantha put herself through when she thought of her roommate, Kara. Sitting alone on Valentine’s Day, Sam found comfort in sharing her innermost secrets with her trusty journal while lusting over the brown-eyed goddess. At least until Kara comes home with a sizzling hot man and a night full of naughty games that would even make cupid blush.


I watched her reach for the two Kiss Me candy hearts and clasp them between her dainty fingers. Seductively, she brought one to her mouth and placed it carefully between her teeth so the heart was upright and the words faced out.

My heart thundered in my chest as I watched her turn slightly in my direction and advance closer to me with the candy heart still clasped between her teeth. She placed her hand on my bare thigh and leaned forward, offering her lips and the sweet candy heart to me.

Unhurriedly, our lips melded together in an explorative kiss. Blasts of sweet sugar and soft lips consumed my senses. Just the touch of her mouth on mine made me weak in the knees.

Kara gently pushed her tongue into my mouth, allowing the sweetness of the candy to flow onto my taste buds. Our tongues met and tangled together, hot and heavy, full of sensual intensity.

My eyes fluttered shut as I brought my fingers up to her face and cradled her cheek and jaw in my hand. I felt her muscles loosen as the tension left her body in waves. Such a tender touch was all she needed to relax and enjoy the moment.

Click here to read full excerpt:


BindMe_cover-ebook-wrBind Me (Roommate Romance #2)

Genre: Erotica (light BDSM)
Rated: 4.9 out of 5 stars
Length: approximately 6600 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: 978-1484845202

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:


** Bind Me is an erotic romance short story for ADULTS ONLY! This novelette is roughly 6600 words and contains light BDSM scenes between a curious woman and her very dominant male roommate. **

Lily had a suspicion her new roommate was the type to always take control, no matter what the situation. It wasn’t until she accidentally peeked in on Chaz dominating another woman, that her suspicions were realized. Lily watched with amazement as Chaz masterfully played the female like a sensual instrument, bringing her the most intense gratification Lily had ever witnessed.

After witnessing his sexual expertise from a distance and noticing the careful attention he gives to his lovers, Lily wanted nothing more than to have his hands sculpt every inch of her body. Unable to forget the incredibly erotic scene Chaz so skillfully played out, Lily sought to make her desires known by casually submitting to him throughout their daily lives.

To her excitement, Chaz invites Lily to his prestigious art show opening at a local gallery. All it takes is a slinky dress, a pair of kitten heels, and a tiny scrap of lace to drive Chaz wild, causing some very heated moments.


As I knelt there watching his every move with expectation, Chaz began to unbutton the cuffs of his sleeves and roll them up, allowing the defined muscles of his forearms to show. He then began unbuttoning his shirt just enough that the oh-so-sexy tattoo on his left pectoral peeked from beneath the fabric. I was lucky to keep myself from drooling at the sight of the black ink tracing around his toned muscles and perfectly sculpted skin.

“I want you to taste me, Lily. I can’t wait to feel that warm mouth of yours wrapped around every inch of my cock,” he said as he began unbuttoning his pants.

I probably looked a little scared as I tried desperately not to appear as eager as I felt. Just the idea of pleasuring him had me trembling with anticipation. I quivered uncontrollably—my legs shaking, my mouth dry, and my senses screaming for reprieve. The thrumming of my heartbeat began to drown out the sounds of the party above us.

“Say something,” Chaz said with thickness to his voice—as if he was attempting to control himself. “Tell me you want this, Lil. Tell me you want me in your mouth.”

“Yes, Chaz,” I whimpered. “I want you… please.”

“That’s right. I could tell you’ve wanted this ever since you walked in on me,” he said with a smirk. As soon as the words poured from his lips, my stare left the bulge in his pants and met his lust-filled eyes.

Click here to read full excerpt:


Voices-of-the-Soul-front-proof-500**FREE** Voices of the Soul (Soul Seers #1)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rated: 4.7 out of 5 stars
Length: approximately 12,500 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: 978-1482707779
ASIN: B00C087PJ4

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:


Throughout her entire life, Ella has heard voices.  Voices inside her head.  She’s never given much thought as to why she has this gift… or this curse, depending on which way you look at it.  It’s not until she meets the mysterious Jonah that she begins to question her inherited abilities as a Soul Seer.

Learning to deal with loss and love, Ella manages to live a seemingly normal life… or so she thought.


Slowly, things started to change. The night sky still shone with brilliance as the stars twinkled overhead like crystalline tears, but the trees and branches no longer obstructed my view. I could feel a chill run through my body, but Jonah’s warmth next to me made it bearable.

The stars began to multiply and were shining so bright, the sky actually looked to be a deep midnight blue. I could even see the misty flow of the Milky Way. Just below the swath of stars was Jupiter, shining radiantly. The fields of stars were so brilliant and plentiful, I could have swore we were floating through space. Nothing else around us but the dazzling stars, like tiny little holes in the floor of heaven.

Click here to read full excerpt:


Eyes-of-the-Soul-front-proofEyes of the Soul (Soul Seers #2)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rated: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Length: approximately 14,000 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: 978-1484071069

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:


Jonah has never experienced a woman more stunning than the beauty that haunted his dreams.  Although his dreams had every feeling of reality, he woke up every morning with the stark realization that those Amethyst eyes were only a figment of his imagination.  Yet he still couldn’t seem to get her stare out of his mind.

Making his way through life, Jonah’s love of art became his outlet.  His talents proved to be the only way to recreate his dreams.  Her beauty was his constant.  Even though he didn’t know her name, he was determined that one day he would find her.


She was breathtakingly beautiful, which never surprised me but still had me gasping for air. Golden blond curls sprang around her face as she smiled while riding a sleek, brown horse through a thicket of trees. The muscles of the horse tensed and flexed beneath her as she maneuvered the animal with affluence, causing its brown coat to shimmer in the moonlight. She guided the horse along the path with power and ease. Her splendor knows no bounds. What I wouldn’t give to be the one to put that smile on her face.

As much as I tried not to be the typical hungry male, I couldn’t help but notice her large, perfect breasts beneath the tank top she wore as they lightly sprang with the rhythm of her riding. Her heart-shaped backside in her tight jeans glided effortlessly against the saddle, bouncing in sync with the horse’s gait. Her taught legs hugged around the belly of the beautiful creature, controlling each and every move and holding on as if the horse was her life raft.

Click here to read full excerpt:


Truths-of-the-Soul-front-proofTruths of the Soul (Soul Seers #3)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rated: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Length: approximately 14,000 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: 978-1484071069

Amazon Kindle:
Amazon Paperback:
Barnes & Noble:


Some people view mind-reading as the evolutionary providence of humankind. Of course, “some people” are usually not telepathic, yet they still seem to think they understand everything about the paranormal phenomenon that is a part of Ella and Jonah.

Lavendine becomes a place where Jonah’s dreams suddenly become all too real and, together, they seek to find the Truths behind their enigmatic connection.


“I don’t want to ruin it,” she said with a little bit of humor in her tone.

“Oh, hell. You won’t ruin it. And if you do, it’s just clay. Dive in, Ella. I’m right here.”

My light humor was awarded with a trickle of laughter from her lips. The sound of her happiness warmed my insides and made me feel complete.

Determination in her gaze, she licked her luscious lips, and braced herself. Dipping her sponge into the water bowl, she then began gliding her dainty fingers along the silky white clay, pulling the sides up like a professional.

“Did you pretend to need my help just so I would stay here with you?” I said jokingly. Her eyes didn’t leave her fingers as she grinned and bit that sexy lip of hers again. I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath, calming myself and my raging guy hormones. She was going to be the end of me.

Click here to read full excerpt:


Blood-of-the-Soul-front-proof-small**COMING SOON** Blood of the Soul (Soul Seers #4)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rated: N/A
Length: approximately 17,000 words
Cover by: self
ISBN-13: N/A



Ella was certain that Jonah was only in love with who he thought she was… an image that reflected his desires… the girl of his dreams. The first time a man says those words to her, she wants it to be because he knows the REAL Ella—not some imaginary girl he dreamed of.

It doesn’t take long for Ella to realize there is more than just a simple connection between them—a chemistry so deep, it makes them both question the true meaning of soul mates as well as the motives of those they love.

With each pulse of blood flowing beneath her skin and each breath drawing from her lips, Ella continues on her journey to know Jonah, which begins to reveal secrets that will ultimately affect their future.


Moments before stepping into the doors at Lavendine, the sky began to fall and pelted the earth with heavy globs of water causing us to run for cover. After the glass door clicked shut behind us, a flicker of lightning illuminated Jonah’s dripping hair and wild eyes.

“Come. I have a few towels in the storage closet we can dry off with,” he said as he grabbed my hand and led me further into the studio.

Standing in the darkened hallway with a towel in hand, he slowly dried my face and dabbed at my hair, which I’m sure looked absolutely stunning all matted down with rain… not. Continuing with his unhurried pace, he gently ran the towel down my arms and back up before heading to my neck and chest. He hesitated as his eyes guided over the curves of my breasts.

Click here to read full excerpt:

WIP Excerpt:

This short excerpt is from an untitled story I am currently working on.  The story will include a special treat for all my readers that I’m hoping everyone will LOVE!

This beautiful man is petrified of me.  Of course, I’m not surprised.  He should be scared.

Standing over him, I could tell he wanted this.  Regardless of how much he tried to hide himself, he couldn’t hide the look of fascination disguised behind his fear.

His naked skin against my black satin sheets made me think of piano keys—patterns of ebony and ivory—perfect for playing a sultry tune using my skillful fingers.  Adding streams of scarlet on this colorless canvas would be the perfect touch.

My loft was ideal for my… recreations.  The upper-level was open, yet private, hiding my play area from the world outside.  Even though my human façade was daring and outgoing, I thrived on anonymity in my personal life.

I could already tell this man was going to derail my desire to remain unknown.  The pulse throbbing at his thick neck made me realize just how irresistible he was to me.

Continuing to examine him, exploring every curve of his muscles, every vein under his skin, I chuckled out loud as I wondered, can I keep him as my own personal pet?

Goose bumps broke out over his deliciously marbled skin at the sound of my laugh.  He bit his lip as he stared back at me, attempting to stay strong.  He knew he wanted it—wanted something—and the suspense of exactly what it was he wanted was killing him.

Yet, I thrived on suspense.  The build up of expectation as I watched my lovers squirm was nearly the same as foreplay.  After you couldn’t take the wait and anticipation any longer, the point of no return was pure rapture.

My bed consisted of a thin, yet comfortable mattress lying in the middle of the hardwood floor.  The walls surrounding the entire upper-level were mirrored, allowing me to see my catch from all angles.  It was a feature already installed when I moved in and I wordlessly thanked the previous tenant for his perverted ways.

I firmly stood at the foot of the bed, my feet spread apart and my hands on my hips, wearing my favorite high-heeled leather boots and an outfit that was made up of nothing more than a few leather straps wrapping around my curvy frame.  Licking my lips, anticipation welling up inside me, I silently stalked my prey.
